Investor’s Outlook

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Director of Research Edward McIlveen of Francis Investment Counsel

About the Author

Edward McIlveen, CFA
Chief Investment Officer

Ed serves as Francis Investment Counsel’s Chief Investment Officer and is the primary author of the Investor’s Outlook. Showcasing the depth of the Firm’s capital markets research, this publication provides the reader with an in-depth discussion of investing trends, philosophies, and practices. We invite you to climb up, zoom out, and take a wider view of themes circulating the capital markets.

Latest Editions

Investing Trends, Philosophies, and Practices

Dig in to our capital markets research. Browse individual articles from each edition of the Investor’s Outlook.

Discover that there is much more to understanding the capital markets than benchmarking investment managers’ performance or charting trends of market indices.

Technical analysis, studying charts and patterns, is an often overlooked component to an investment strategy. We examine where it could be profitable....

Uncover lessons from the Zimbabwean government’s mismanagement and corruption, including the far-reaching impact of hyperinflation....

Unpacking the tenets of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), past MMT efforts, and an the investor's response to increased deficit spending....

Investing requires much more than casual interest. When you're looking to make stock selections, you also need great resources....